About Us

Maryland Sedation Dentistry and Surgical Center is an accredited surgical center, offering outside doctors and their patients a safe and licensed facility, outside of a traditional hospital setting, where dentistry of all types can be preformed,  under general and moderate anesthesia. 

Dentist and Dental Specialists can bring their own patients to this facility and perform all required dental work, bill their patients from their own office, and offer their patients safe anesthesia expertise and administration, without having the compliance, liability and regulatory requirements that are needed for such work do be done in their own offices.  By utilizing an accredited surgical center, any credentialed dentist with a Maryland Dental License, can use this facility to perform dental procedures.  All anesthesia is performed by a board certified anesthesiologist or by a CRNA supervised by a board certified anesthesiologist.  

Our goal is to provide a safe and relaxed environment for dental professionals to perform dental procedures that might not be possible without anesthesia. 

MDSD&SC will provide all the equipment and  consumables required. The outside dentist, needs only provide their skills and their patients.

If a dentist or dental specialist wants to use our facility and would like to do some of the work but would like another dentist or dental speicalists to do other procedures, we offer to coordinate care by bringing in other affiliated dentists and dental specialists to do any procedure required.  This tag team cooperation  allows for patients only needing to be sedated once, saving time and money.

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Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule

Primary Location


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm



