What Makes MSD and SC Unique

Dental Surgical Center Frederick MD

Maryland Sedation Dentistry and Surgical Center is extremely unique in what it offers both patients and dentists.  Most patients come to our office because they are either anxious about dental procedures, they are very young and won't sit still for needed dental care to be performed or are special needs and don't handle unfamiliar environments well.  Regardless of the dental patient's situation, there is no shame and no judgement on why you are in need of our services.  Thousands of patients put off needed dental care for any number of reasons, our job is to make dental care stress free for both the doctor and the patient.  

There are two ways that patients come to our office:

Option 1 - The first way is patients come to our office is they find us or are referred to us.  In this situation, the patient calls us and makes an appointment directly to our office.  Our team of doctors do all the dentistry.  In this option, the dentists at MSD&SC will see the patient, create a treatment plan for the patient, and perform any of the actual dentistry that needs to be done and  our anesthesiologists sedate the patient.    Patients like this option because they know they are getting exception care, under sedation and all under one roof.  

Option 2 - The second way patients come to our office is through their existing dentist where their existing dentist actually performs the dentistry.  In this situation, the existing dentist creates the treatment plan at their own office and makes an appointment at MSD&SC.  The dentist and their patient show up the day of treatment and the doctor performs the needed work and our anesthesiologist performs the sedation.  This is a great fit for many patients and doctors.  The benefits of this option is the patient is familiar with their current dentist and thus is more relaxed having a trusted, known provider performing the dentistry.  From the dentist's prospective, they like this option because they can provide the needed work and thus keep the patient in house.   The dentist bills for all the work and MSD&SC bills for facility fees and sedation services only.  (Doctors please be aware, if you need certain specialty procedures done, but you would like to do the general dentistry, that is very acceptable.  Just let us know what procedures you would like to do and let us coordinate with our specialists so patients only need to be sedated once.) 

Maryland Sedation Dentistry and Surgical Center offers patients truly state of the art in sedation dentistry.  Sedation Dentistry is all we do.  Patients can decide who performs the actual dentistry.  We always provide the anesthesiologist.  We sometimes provide the dentists.  

The team of doctors available are general dentists, periodontists, endodontists, prosthodontists, oral surgeons, pediatric dentists and orthodontists.  Depending on the needs of the patient, MSD&SC will assign doctors to do specific procedures.  The extremely unique part of this is that all the doctors work together and in tag teams so the patient is only sedated once, saving the patient time and money.  

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Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule

Primary Location


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm



